Welcome to Rainbird
Here's what we do:
We work with the public, our largest untapped resource, to save children, take them out of harm’s way, and end the abuse.
Here’s how we do it:
We teach the public how to save children, give the public tools to do it effectively, and work in partnership with the public to organize and mobilize to save children and end the abuse.
See Our Results Here’s what we DON'T do:
We don’t raise awareness. You’re already aware. You already know about this issue. You just don’t know what to do about it. We teach you what to do and how to do it, and work with you to do it. Anywhere on earth. Every day. Wherever there is a child in trouble.
Learn More Statistics:
- Nearly 1 million U.S. children are abused annually.
- 1 in 4 girls is sexually violated.
- 1 in 6 boys is sexually violated.
- 1 in 4 children experience some form of abuse or neglect. Nearly 30% are under age 3.
- While spanking is outlawed in 52 countries on earth, over 80% of U.S children are spanked by the age of 2.
- Child abuse and neglect costs the U.S. $124 billion a year.
- At least 325,000 children are at risk for being sexually trafficked and exploited this year.
What is public demand?
One person can't end child abuse, but thousands can. The only power great enough to impact any social issue is when thousands demand change. Every result on our success page occurred by rallying the public, creating the appropriate campaign, and mobilizing people to action. Public demand is the only way to get government agencies and public officials to listen and do their jobs.
Learn More How do we build public demand?
We work with people anywhere on earth to build a growing group in your county, state, region, or country. As abuse is reported, we help you build the right campaign to solve the problem. Then, we work with you to activate your group, fulfill the campaign, and end the abuse.
Learn More 

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