

The only power great enough to move government agencies, systems, courts, hospitals, schools, and big business to action is public demand.

Teams Around The World

The days of “getting more bees with honey” are over. Rainbird is loud, proud, and growing. 99% of us are volunteers. We’re a committed, big-hearted, hardworking crew, fed up with the niceties that never worked.

We don’t build awareness or ask permission to save children. We just do it.

Here are our crews in America, the Philippines and Uganda.

The Leadership Teams

As a Leader, you build, organize, and mobilize the team in your state. You will create a core team of people in your area. Your job will be to activate and empower people in your region to Take A Stand and join forces. When a project or campaign occurs in your state, you’ll mobilize to participate to save a child or children.


For more information about being a Regional Leader, call us: 608-237-7220. Or contact us at: info@rainbirdfoundation.org.