

The only power great enough to move government agencies, systems, courts, hospitals, schools, and big business to action is public demand.

Country Leader

Brenda Okori is Rainbird Uganda's Country Leader. Based on her experience with children in Uganda, their vulnerability makes her want to fight to protect their inherent rights. She wants to see many changes that ensure children are protected, to include educating them about their rights and how to stand up for them, lifting their self-esteem, and helping them in cases of abuse. She wants to protect girls from rape, defilement, abortion, torture, abandonment, and prostitution, and see them get justice and help physically, emotionally, and spiritually. As a child, Brenda endured abuse. It had a lasting impact. She believes that if someone had reached out to her to protect her from the harm that surrounded her, she would be in better shape for it today. Brenda is committed to ensuring that children are protected and loved

Brenda Okori, Country Leader
Brenda Okori

The Core Team

Etum Job is Rainbird Uganda’s Technology Officer. He has his Bachelors degree in Administrative and Secretarial Sciences from Kyambogo University. As a technology and computer enthusiast, with experience in Graphics and Web Design, he specializes in Joomla CMS web development and works with several different applications and environments. His desire is to contribute his strong analytical skills, experience, eye for detail, and team spirit to the Rainbird Uganda team and be a contributing force for the end of child abuse in Uganda.

Etum Job, Uganda’s Technology Officer
Etum Job


Our Country Leaders build and empower a team to engage the public, have people Take A Stand for the End of child abuse, and mobilize to save children who are being abused and end issues that are plaguing their country. The Country Leader finds and develops State (or Regional Leaders) in every state or region. They field problems in each region, create campaigns to solve a problem, mobilize their troops to solve those problems. To become a Country Leader, contact us at: info@rainbirdfoundation.org.